Ways to increase potential in the age group of 50+

Intimate life of good men and women

Without exception, all men, even the elderly, want to have active sex for as long as possible and feel like a full-fledged lover. But the subconscious mind works in a different direction, i. e. 50 years and older is the end of life, old age and the end of sexual intercourse. Confidence that, entering the 50+ category, potential indicators are sharply reduced. But is this really a decision? The answer to this question will be a detailed analysis of this topic, but we can confidently say that modern medicine can eliminate panic. The main advice of psychologists can be considered as people who talk about the optimistic atmosphere, because you can adapt positively, to sexual strength even after the age of 50, like a young man. Also, do not ignore some tips. Let us consider in more detail all the techniques known today for this group.

What are the reasons for the decrease in male strength in the 50+ male category

Looking at the factors, one can understand that there are a large number of them and can not always overcome all of them. Competent experts in this field divide the cause into two groups - external influences and internal disturbances that reduce sexual desire. The above indications slow down the metabolic process, which leads to a decrease in sexual activity in the stronger sex over 50 years of age.

External influences as a cause of potential decline

    Smoking tobacco inhibits testosterone synthesis
  • Activity is off. In jobs that require constant seating, chances are you spend most of the day at your desk, which slows blood circulation in the genitourinary system. Congestion does not allow the pelvic organs to be saturated with adequate oxygen levels, the necessary trace elements, which are detrimental to the activity of the prostate gland in the egg sac. And increasing the level of sexual strength in old age is much more difficult than provoking a decline.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking are a severe blow to the vascular system, from a hormonal background - testosterone synthesis is blocked and estrogen production begins. And if the compounds of tar and nicotine act on the body gradually, then alcohol products, with continued use, cause immediate danger, killing the health of men.
  • Environmental factors. Environmental pollution is very dangerous for potential, because every day inhaling air, a person receives a large amount of harmful substances along the way. And this is an indisputable fact, because it is impossible to control it.
  • Drugs. It is no secret that this substance affects all body systems, but especially on sexual strength. Taking the drug into the body disrupts the function of the adrenal glands, which produce testosterone,Fast food has a negative effect on potencyand also stimulates gene mutations, which are dangerous and very difficult to restore.
  • Improper diet. Snacks, fast food dishes are rich in fast carbohydrates, sugars, cholesterol and carcinogens so that the endocrine system and metabolism suffer. Overweight emerges, which is one of the main enemies; only atherosclerosis of vessels can match it, which narrows the arteries, does not provide enough nutrients to the body of the penis, thus stopping erectile function.
  • External influences also include psychological influences such as constant stress, depression, chronic fatigue. Relationship problems with couples who spend the last remnants of a full-blown relationship, gradually distance you from each other. Lack of long-term sexual intercourse and, consequently, lack of confidence to communicate with fair sex.

Internal causes and violations

However, with age, a number of physiological diseases gradually appear, such as:

  1. Disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system, causing myocardial dystrophy, arrhythmias, premature ventricular pulse, increased blood pressure and hypertension.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and the entire genitourinary system.
  3. Diseases related to the performance of the brain and spinal cord.
  4. Disorders of central nervous system function.
  5. Diabetes mellitus type II.
  6. Obesity of all degrees.
Physical activity of a man at the age of 50 to normalize potential

How to act to increase the potential at 50

First of all, you need to have a full examination by a urologist and a sex expert, their advice for any diagnosis is as follows: introduce more physical activity into your life rhythm, exercise in the morning and, if possible, distance.

Try to review your menu by discarding unhealthy foods, adding healthy foods, controlling your weight, quitting smoking and alcohol products, at least reducing the minimum dose. There is no need to respond abruptly to psychological oppression, especially in the relationship between gender and emerging sexual dysfunction. Nowadays, medicine can help in the fight against impotence and its complete elimination. Try to prolong your sexual intercourse, an indicator of the quality of the emotional background and orgasm.

What medications can help overcome the problem of impotence

Erectile dysfunction problems in the age group of 50+ occur frequently. So stay calm, as excessive nerve damage will only make matters worse. Nowadays, experts in this field can help overcome the difficulties of this disease. For starters, you need to calm down and seriously approach the decision of the situation.

Visit a doctor who is competent in urology or sexology, they will help determine the cause of a slow or unstable erection, discuss possible medical procedures and methods of action instructions. To help you solve the current problem, you can:

  1. Various medicines such as pills, capsules, creams and ointments for potential.
  2. The way of the people.
  3. Healing of herbs and plants is useful.
  4. Psychological therapy.
  5. Various physical exercises.
  6. Operating solution method.

Medication as a way to overcome the problem of impotence

Modern medicine, thanks to advances and a series of discoveries, offers many drug options to combat impotence at the age of 50, which is capable of giving a long erection:

  1. Inhibitor with its underlying active ingredient.
  2. Ad blockers.
  3. Testosterone synthesis activator.

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors should not be taken without a recommendation from the attending physician, as they include a complete list of contraindications and side effects, the introduction of which may be done after undergoing research in the field of cardiac activity and vascular disorders.

The above groups of drugs have differences over the duration of their effects. The effect of the intake of these substances provides very rapid effectiveness with the indication of slowly increasing the penis, but the essence of the problem is not always solved with their help, sometimes the situation can be complicated by psychosomatic factors of dependence on "magic pills", without which sex is impossibleperformed.

Increases Men's Strength Naturally

In cases where helplessness appears as a representative of strong sex after the age of fifty, there is a certain possibility that pathogens of natural origin, strong pleasant emotions, the emergence of new feelings for the opposite sex will help. Experts in the field of urology advise not to cure potential with short-term methods so that "easy and fine", but still involved in the destruction of the basic problem, as well as strive to improve the quality of sex and work relationships with beloved women, more activities in daily life, and control blood pressure, food and hormone intake.

Gymnastics to improve sexual performance

Gymnastics and Squats

Exercise techniques to increase sexual power are one of the most effective natural methods. By doing physical activities aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic organs, you can not only fight sluggish erections, but also help testosterone synthesis, improve your physical fitness and prevent excess fat from being stored in your body. The Kegel technique helps train the pelvic floor muscle tissue by manipulating your body by relaxing and pressing the pubis with the tailbone. This simple exercise helps both sexes increase sexual desire and sensation intensity, achieve longer intercourse and shorten the time to recover for new achievements. Warming up with this exercise should be done at any time, after 14-21 days you will see positive changes.

Folk solutions and recipes

It is very important to eat foods rich in zinc, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, as well as natural micro and macronutrients that can be impressive for men's strength. Green is rich in components essential to potentialVarious food sources rich in ingredients essential for potential:

  1. Peanuts, dried fruit (dried apricots, prunes, raisins).
  2. Seafood.
  3. Green (dill, parsley, celery, tarragon)
  4. Honey, bee waste products.
  5. Vegetables (carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, beets, cabbage, peppers and chili).
  6. Fruits of various types and flavors.
  7. Avocado.
  8. Vegetable oils (olive, rapeseed, cumin, wheat, flaxseed).
  9. Dairy products.

To prepare the mixture to increase potency, you need to take peeled walnuts and pine nuts, chop, add prunes, dried apricots, raisins and whole lemons twisted in a meat grinder. Combine everything, mix well, add two tablespoons of honey. Drink one tablespoon daily after meals.

Plant therapy

Decoction, tea and tinctures on many ingredients from our environment are very good for increasing a man's sexual strength. These funds not only help increase blood circulation and saturation of penile cavernous bodies, but also increase the body's resistance, fight inflammation in the prostate area, and normalize blood pressure.

Boil nettles to increase male sexual strength

This natural gift includes:

  1. Net.
  2. Ginseng.
  3. Kalgan.
  4. Eleutherococcus.
  5. Kingko-Bilobu.
  6. Teh Ivan.
  7. Hawthorn and more, a truly unique and effective representation of fauna.

To increase the potential, you can prepare a decoction based on nettle leaves, for this we need fresh or dried nettle leaves purchased from a pharmacy in the amount of 50 grams per 1 liter of boiling water. Pour the extract into the pot, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, turn off and leave to cool and cool. Take 50 milliliters three times a day before meals.

How to maintain sexual activity for many years

Indicators of low male strength after the age of 50 are not a reason for depression, this is an opportunity to cure existing diseases, maximize erections and remain a sex giant for many years. To stay in the best bed, you need to lead an active lifestyle, eat right and eliminate harmful excesses in the form of cigarettes and alcohol, enjoy communication and sexual pleasure with the opposite sex, be optimistic and enjoy everything you do. People say that 50 years is the second generation of men, so reconsider your living position, improve the quality of your existence and follow sports.

May life remain full for you, lead a healthy lifestyle, appear positive and create. By keeping a healthy mind, you keep your mind and body young.